Zorina Shah
I really thought the Zionists were stronger than that.
They marketed themselves abroad for decades, getting goodwill, weapons and cash from western countries, electing lawmakers in foreign governments while passing laws to punish people at home. They stole land to extend their settlements and condemned Jews of record and conscience, who opposed their ideology, as "Self-hating Jews”.
I want to slow down here and catch my breath to say that while I support resistance, including armed resistance, I still oppose Hamas sending its militants into the kibbutzes. They had already attacked seven military installations and confronted all-night party goers, many of them high on recreational drugs and alcohol.
It is true that most of those at the rave party had military training, many still active and some armed. All Israeli citizens are conscripted at age 18, women for 26 months and men for 32. A high percentage remain in the service because life in the Negev and the West Bank is a kind of joke for them, the easy life of punishing and dehumanising Palestinians.
It is also true that all the kibbutzes are policed and I only learned recently that every home has at least one weapon. Many older folks from families trapped in the Gaza concentration camp had lived in Sderot and where the kibbutzes are located. The land they planted had been confiscated as they were driven out. I can only imagine how their children felt when they saw the walls of the prison being broken down, emerging into the open, onto the land their ancestors lived on, breathing the air of freedom for the first time in their lives.
Although it does not apply to Gaza, we saw Itamar Ben Givr handing out guns to settlers so they could go into West Bank villages and refugee camps and terrorise Palestinians, destroy crops, damage goods in shops, chase worshippers from Al Aqsa. The residents in kibbutzes are not as visible as the West Bank settlers, some of them even cared about the Palestinian struggle, but they too were well supplied with weapons.
The weakness of Zionists was laid bare by October’s events which pulled the masks clear off their faces, showed how complacent and entitled they are in their power and the unconditional support they get from western governments.
In the first place, they failed an important constituency with their complacency. The kibbutzes are a romantic aspect of Israeli statehood, drawing people from around the world to desert nights under the stars, different moon phases, the sun rising from way over the expanse of Middle Eastern countries and setting on the Mediterranean, to honeymoon tourism. They inspired artists and musicians, writers, young people came as students, did a little work and wrote poems about this wonderland that Palestinian families still grieved for.
Night life in a Kibbutz in Northern Israel. Visit Kibbutz photo |
Secondly, their rescue mission fell apart. Their much touted military panicked, not knowing the extent of the Hamas attack. They went on a rampage from air and ground, across fields, in communities, above military bases, mowing down their own people along with the enemy. The Apache helicopters fired into their own bases and the tanks blew up humble homes in the communities.
Hasbara, their propaganda machinery kicked into gear, spinning the most elaborate stories to gain worldwide support and sympathy, and they did. There were tales of beheaded babies that the US president Joe Biden saw, there were untold numbers of rapes and phone calls to celebrate the killing of Jews. There was footage from body cams taken from the corpses of “terrorists”, but none from their own soldiers. They gave figures, but did not say how many of their own soldiers were killed or who killed them. Then they started lowering the numbers. They continued telling outrageous stories, easily debunked on social media. They released a video showing how they targeted the rave party. Their official pages were forced to delete tweet after tweet.
Screenshot from video released by IDF on October 15, 2023 |
Hasbara had flourished in the building of the Zionist project, the state of Israel. It demonised Palestinians, even as soldiers demolished whole villages or seized their homes. The new residents gloated, but the world celebrated the return to the Biblical homeland. As a younger teenager, I felt pain reading about the Holocaust, watching black and white movies, not knowing about the Nakba. That changed a few years later, making this the 51st year I have followed the story of the Palestinian people. The Israel story was not the story of the Holocaust. I will never stop hurting for the Jewish people, but I am now able to distinguish between a persecuted people and another people being persecuted.
With the advent of internet, others began to see the violence of the Israeli state as it unfolded. The arrest of children, killing of man, woman and child, snipers taking out knees of young men, the global coverage of the murder of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh came to people’s living rooms. I myself will never forget the sight of Israeli soldiers attacking Shireen's coffin outside of the church.
Occupation forces attack Shireen Abu Aqleh's coffin |
Hasbara has been losing its grip.
The failing narrative is so bad that even Donald Trump had to comment that “the other side” is winning the public relations war. The other side is not winning the PR war. People are seeing for themselves what the truth is, the truth they had been denied for so long. They have seen for years the advocacy of young Jewish people across the globe who are tired of the crimes committed in their names. In the United States, these young people are at the forefront of the campaign for a ceasefire. Their activism is now listed as anti-semitic.
Jewish Voice for Peace and If Not Now asking for a ceasefire |
In this new escalation, numerous world leaders became vocal tools of Hasbara, but they have all had to backtrack. Many people have tarnished their reputations defending evil and will pay a heavy price for it.
The greatest sign of the Zionist inability to cope has been in its reaction to the events of October 7, 2023. They have lost all reason, dropping bombs wherever they wish, homes, churches, hospitals, schools, claiming that Hamas is in all those places. Maybe they are, although the edited videos do not prove what the Israeli government hoped it would prove. Instead there is only evidence of Israeli violence, uncontrolled violence, an inability to strategise, to consider its own citizens held hostage by Hamas. If there are signs of Hamas presence, it is well known that Hamas was also armed resistance.
IDF bombing of Gaza |
For more than 30 weeks, thousands of Israeli citizens had protested against their government on legislation that would take away some of their constitutional rights. The government would have been hoping that the show of force would quell those protests and unite citizens against Palestinians. Instead they have risen up again, taking to the streets to condemn Netanyahu for his inefficiency, for ignoring hostages and the cries of the families.
Zionism has one goal, to drive all the Palestinian people into the Sinai and to settle all the land between the river and the sea. How it accomplishes that is not important to the Israeli state and what the world thinks is of no consequence. That is the weakness of Zionism. Its disregard for people, members of the Jewish communities in other lands, in the face of failing Hasbara messaging.
Rabbis4Ceasefire prayer meeting outside Congress |
Today, weak Zionists are the main cause of anti-semitism, because many people still cannot distinguish between a weak ideology that parades its gross self and that of the traditions, ethics and beliefs of Torah Judaism. The weakest of them all are now in power in Zionist Israel.